Australia Day Events 2024

26 January 2024.png

•           Warrah Creek Australia Day Celebrations, Warrah Creek Recreation Centre, 9am.

Cricket will be played in the morning, followed by the dog jumping show and BBQ lunch and will be attended by the Australia Day Ambassador, Mr Gary Dawson OAM.

•           Liverpool Plains Australia Day Ceremony – Quirindi RSL Club, 10am.

Presentation of the Liverpool Plains Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony will be held at Quirindi RSL this year and include a special address from the Australia Day Ambassador, Mr Gary Dawson OAM. New citizens will take the pledge at the ceremony.

•           Werris Creek Australia Day Celebrations, David Taylor Park, 6pm.

Always a popular event organised by the Lions Club of Werris Creek who host a free BBQ, there is an Australia Day Address from the Ambassador, Mr Gary Dawson OAM, gumboot throwing competition and events will conclude with a fireworks display.




  • Friday, 26 January 2024 | 09:00 AM


A notable Keynote Speaker and Golfer, Mr Gary Dawson OAM is proud to be an Australia Day Ambassador for the Liverpool Plains Shire and to join in our community celebrations.

Warrah Creek Recreation Centre, Warrah; Quirindi RSL Club, Quirindi; David Taylor Park, Werris Creek, Quirindi