Our brand
Liverpool Plains Shire Council's corporate brand forms the basis of our visual identity.
Our brand comprises four core visual elements, including our logo, colours, typography and graphic elements. Each of these elements work together to create and maintain a strong visual identity.
Our logo takes its inspiration from the Kamilaroi name for 'Quirindi', meaning "dead tree on mountain top".

The colour palette is inspired by the beautiful colours of the natural landscape of the Liverpool Plains, including our rich, green fields, our yellow canola and sunflower crops, and our famous big blue sky. When combined, each of the colours drawn from our landscape create a vibrant palette of colours than can be highly distinctive in communications.
Brand guidelines
Using our brand
Any individual, group, business, community organisation or school that has been supported in the way of grant funding, sponsorship or in-kind support from Council may apply to display our logo on documents, websites, publications, stationery, posters, buildings, billboards and signage.
Our logo, or any of its elements, must not be used without our prior express permission. A draft copy or proof of any intended material incorporating our logo must be provided to, and approved by, us prior to publication.
Request to use our logo