Councillor professional development
The role exercised by by our Mayor and Councillors is a very demanding one and the community rightly has high expectations of our elected representatives.
As the governing body of Liverpool Plains Shire Council, our Mayor and Councillors must work together as a cohesive team to meet the needs of the community. The multi-faceted nature of the roles also requires our Mayor and Councillors to have a wide variety of skills, experience and knowledge, along with the time, passion and commitment to achieve results for the community
The Local Government Act 1993 prescribes the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor and Councillors, both collectively as the governing body and as individual members of the governing body. It also places a responsibility on all elected representatives to make all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform their roles.
To assist our Mayor and Councillors to meet this obligation, the General Manager is required to deliver induction and ongoing professional development programs that will help the Mayors and Councillors to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform their roles.
The Mayor and Councillors have a reciprocal obligation to participate in these programs. We report on the Mayor's and Councillors' participation in these programs in our Annual Report.