$1.9M for LPSC to push harder to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Published on 15 November 2021

201021 Premer Waste Trans Station (18).JPG

Liverpool Plains Shire Council’s 10-year Waste strategy has been boosted with the announcement of $1.988 million from the Round Eight of the NSW Government’s Resources for Regions program.

The funding will be used for Stage 2 of Council’s Waste Strategy for a proposed landfill design, construction with associated infrastructure at a recycled quarry west of Willow Tree.

Council’s General Manager Jo Sangster said National Recycling Week, 8 to 14 November, was an appropriate reminder to local communities to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and this funding announcement should help them to focus even more on their waste disposal.

She said if the amount of rubbish sent to landfill is halved, then the proposed 30-year life of the Willow Tree landfill could be doubled to 60 years.

The Willow Tree landfill is expected to be commissioned in 2023 and will serve the entire shire’s needs with landfills at Quirindi and Werris Creek proposed for remediation.

Stage 1 of the strategy, estimated to cost $1.5m, includes the construction of Waste Transfer Stations (WTS) at Caroona, Spring Ridge, and Premer. These and the Pine Ridge landfills will be remediated.

These landfills will all be remediated with the use of geosynthetic clay liners, which will provide superior protection from moisture ingress.

The WTS construction work is expected to be completed by the end of December. Once in action, refuse from these WTS will be transported on a daily basis to the Quirindi Landfill.

Existing Waste Transfer Sites at Blackville, Pine Ridge and Wallabadah, including their recycling ‘hole in the walls’ will be retained.

Council was successful in securing a $1.5 million grant through the Round Seven of the Resources for Regions program, which will cover the cost of the Stage 1 works.

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