Call for Expression of Interest to LPSC Local Advisory Groups
Published on 19 May 2022
Call for Expression of Interest to LPSC Local Advisory Groups
Liverpool Plains Shire Council is calling for expressions of interest from community members to join Council’s Local Advisory Groups (LAGs). The LAGs advise on matters relating to community capacity building, social inclusion and cultural development as well as monitoring the changing needs of the community.
Liverpool Plains Shire Council Mayor, Cr Doug Hawkins OAM said a series of community information sessions have recently been held throughout the Shire. Those sessions provided information on the role of LAGs and how they can contribute to building sustainable communities. I would like to thank the community members that attended those sessions. The feedback that was received was greatly appreciated.
“LAGs are another great way to provide Council with suggestions on how our villages and towns can be improved as they offer absolute grassroots feedback that can cover a wide range of issues.
“LAGs are a community committee, which meet on a regular basis, that will keep local issues to the forefront as well as collecting more ideas that can help make the Liverpool Plains an even stronger place to live,” he said.
If you are interested in becoming a member, the LAGs Terms of Reference are available via this link Local Advisory Group terms of reference. The Terms of Reference includes an overview of committee members responsibilities, obligations, membership criteria and general operating guidelines.
Expression of Interest forms can be downloaded from the link below or obtained from Council’s Administration Office, Quirindi Library and Werris Creek Library and the Willow Tree Visitor Information Centre.
Completed Expressions of Interest should be submitted to or post to PO Box 152, Quirindi NSW 2343 by 5.00pm Thursday 26 May 2022.
For further information please contact Council’s Acting Manager Community and Recreation Services, Ruth Neave on 02 6746 1755.