Council seeks feedback as it reviews Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Published on 13 October 2021
People with disability, their family and friends, and local service providers are being asked to share their ideas about how to make the Liverpool Plains more inclusive, with Liverpool Plains Shire Council set to develop a new four-year Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
Council’s mayor, Cr Doug Hawkins OAM, said feedback collected during the consultation will assist in identifying how people with disability can be supported to participate fully in social, community and business life.
“Over the life of our current DIAP, Council has installed several new accessible ramps and public amenities throughout the area, as well as accessibility improvements at popular facilities such as Quirindi’s Royal Theatre and David Taylor Oval in Werris Creek,” Cr Hawkins said.
“We’ve also recently launched a new corporate website which meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, meaning people with disability can more easily learn about our local council and the services we provide, as well as our projects, programs and events,” he said.
“However, there’s always more work to be done, and over the coming weeks, we will be facilitating two surveys – one for members of the community to complete, and another targeted specifically at disability services providers and businesses – and are seeking as much feedback and as many suggestions as possible.
“The surveys is available online from Council’s website at:
Printed copies are available at Council’s Customer Service Centre in Quirindi, the Visitor Information Centre, and our public libraries at both Quirindi and Werris Creek.
“The survey close on November 19, so we’re encouraging all members of the community to take the time to complete the survey and share their views on how we make the Liverpool Plains an even better place for people with disability to live, work and visit.”
For further information about the DIAP consultation process, visit Council’s website at or contact its Customer Service Centre on (02) 676 1755 or via email at