Documents on Public Exhibition
Published on 05 May 2022
At its April meeting Liverpool Plains Shire Council agreed to place three key documents on public exhibition, the Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan, the Schedule of Fees and Charges and the Long-Term Financial Plan.
The Delivery Program and the Operational Plan sets out council’s contribution toward achieving the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan within the resources available to it. Each service, project, program and event we intend on delivering is clearly linked to the outcomes you told us were most important to you.
Included in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan is the proposed schedule of Fees and Charges for the 2022-2023 financial year. The proposed fees and charges reflect Council’s move to a more equitable ‘user pays’ approach.
This Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) tests community aspirations against the financial realities of delivering on those aspirations. The LTFP includes projected income and expenditure, balance sheet and cash flow statement and methods of monitoring financial performance.
“We are encouraging community members, businesses and user groups to review and provide feedback on these three key documents. The Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan highlights the many programs, facilities and services that Council provides; from biosecurity, to community events, to major public infrastructure. Our proposed Fees and Charges and the Long-Term Financial Plan demonstrate how Council provides these services, facilities and programs to our community within a framework of financial responsibility.” Cr Doug Hawkins said.
Copies of the documents are available via Council’s website Public notices - Liverpool Plains Shire Council (
Copies of the documents are available for review at Quirindi Administration Office, Quirindi Library, Werris Creek Library and the Willow Tree Visitor Information Centre.
Written submissions close on Monday 6 June 2022 at 5pm.
Media enquiries: Liverpool Plains Shire Council Mayor, Cr Doug Hawkins 0448 092 932.