Faster method to receive your rates and water notices
Published on 16 June 2022
Liverpool Plains Shire Council (LPSC) is inviting ratepayers to register an email address with Council that will allow them to receive Rates and Water Notices electronically.
Mayor Doug Hawkins OAM said Council is calling on our customers to register an email address and 'Opt In' to receive their Rates and Water Notices electronically.
“With the increased cost of postage and longer delivery times, electronic delivery will be quicker, more convenient and cost effective. This service will provide a faster, more reliable and environmentally friendly alternative to paper copies and will make record keeping much easier.
“By opting in for electronic delivery of information, ratepayers will receive their Rates or Water Notices as a link to an Adobe PDF sent to the nominated email address. You will no longer receive a hard copy by regular post,” he said.
To register your email for rates and/or water visit: and fill in the online form. Council will send a confirmation email to verify your email address. You will need to follow the link in the email to complete your registration. You will also need to complete this form for each individual property you own in the Shire.
Once you’ve signed up, all correspondence for accounts and reminders will be sent to you electronically. A Privacy Statement is available at the online registration site. The system is all set up and you can register and begin to get your rates/water notices delivered immediately.
You can pay your accounts using one of Council’ five methods:
- Pay by internet at www.liverpoolplains.nsw using Visa or Mastercard
- In person at the Customer Service Desk at Council’s Administration Centre
- Via mail with cheque or money order to LPSC, PO Box 152, Quirindi NSW 2343
- In person at Australia Post, by phone 13 18 16 or go to
- Via BPAY. Further information available at