Invitation to the Community to join Public Opening of Quirindi Library

Published on 05 July 2022

Quirindi Library Precinct

Liverpool Plains Shire Library Precinct was officially opened in October 2021 by the Member for New England and former Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce MP.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions a community celebration was unable to be held at that time.

Mayor, Cr Doug Hawkins OAM said Liverpool Plains Shire Council worked alongside our Sister City Blacktown City Council, the Central Northern Regional Library, State Library of NSW, NSW Government, and Commonwealth Government on the redevelopment project and we now have a fantastic facility that offers a wide range of services.

“Since its official opening, the Quirindi Library Precinct Community Hub has welcomed an average of 1,000 visitors each month. Almost 1,000 items have been borrowed each month with visitors taking part in programs as diverse as weekly story time sessions, school holiday activities and tech savvy seniors’ programs.  The Community Hub has also hosted business events, community celebrations and regional meetings.

“We are now free of the COVID protocols that were in place on October 2021, and Liverpool Plains Shire Council is extending a warm and wide invitation to all community members to attend the public opening,” Cr Hawkins said.

Join with Councillors, staff and the Friends of Quirindi Library to enjoy the courtyard space, view the library’s collections and spend time in the Community Hub. 

Date: Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm with Official proceedings at 12 noon


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