LPSC Disability Inclusion Action Plan to begin face to face workshops

Published on 10 November 2021

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The Liverpool Plains Shire Council is planning to host face-to-face workshops with the community as part of its plan to develop a four-year Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).

The workshops will be held in the Quirindi Library on Wednesday 24 November between 10 and 11.30m; and then on 25 November at the Quirindi Library 6pm to 7.30pm. Another workshop will be held in the Werris Creek Library on Thursday 25 November between 10am and 11.30am.

Feedback collected during the workshops will assist in identifying how people with a disability can be supported to participate fully in social, community and business life.

The Liverpool Plains Shire Council is facilitating two surveys – one for members of the community to complete and another targeted specifically at disability services providers and businesses. Council is seeking as much feedback and as many suggestions as possible to inform the Plan. Both surveys close on November 19.

Council is encouraging all members of the community to take the time to complete the survey and share their views on how to make the Liverpool Plains an even better place for people with disability to live, work and visit.

The Council would like to know how it can help people with disabilities feel more included in the community, make it easier for people with disabilities to get around the Liverpool Plains and barriers for those seeking to work or be a volunteer and to improve the way it delivers services and communications.

For further information about the Disability Inclusion Action Plan consultation process, visit www.liverpoolplains.nsw.gov.au or contact its Customer Service Centre on (02) 676 1755 or via email at council@liverpoolplains.nsw.gov.au

Due to COVID restrictions, registrations for the workshops are essential, please phone 02 6746 1755 or e-mail: ian.george@liverpoolplains.nsw.gov.au to make a booking.

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