Council Update: No rate increase planned for LPSC

No longer on display. Expired on 27 May 2024, 12:00 PM

Despite recent media reports, Liverpool Plains Shire Council has NOT resolved a 17% rate increase.

Members of the community may recently have notedmedia reporting that statedLiverpool Plains Shire Council is planning a 17% rate hike. This is not correct. 


The draft Long-Term Financial Plan forms part of a suite of documents prepared under the integrated planning and reporting framework.  All Councils are encouraged to prepare possible alternate scenarios which may or may not be acted upon. The scenario thatincluded a 17% SRV presents a scenario in which Council could achieve financial sustainability by 2032.The Base Case represents the actual budget.


The draft LTFP needs to be read in conjunction with Council’s Delivery Program, a four year projection adopted by each new Council, together with the draft Operational Plan, an annual forecast with estimated budgets.  


Council is required to have the drafts on exhibition for 28 days to allow for public comment – a very transparent process.  The Operational Plan notes that rate increases are limited by the Rate Peg as advised by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Council has incorporated the rate peg into its budget projections. 


If Council were at any stage considering to seek a special variation of rates it must commence a public consultation process and follow the guidelines issued by IPART. That process can take up to six months to complete and needs to be presented to IPART no later than February to allow it time to carefully consider each Council application. No such action has been commenced by Council.


If you would like to discuss our operational plan, fees and charges or Long-Term Financial Plan further we encourage you to get in touch on (02) 6746 1755  or email


You can access all Council plans and strategies we currently have on public exhibition at