No longer on display. Expired on
16 June 2023, 05:00 PM
Extension of Community Consultation
Amended Development Application – 10.2020.1.2
Notice is hereby given that an application to amend a current Development Consent for a rail freight Infrastructure facility has been submitted to Council by Crawfords Freightlines Pty Ltd on land being Lot 41 DP 1182636, Lots 43, 22 & 23 DP 8788 known as 129 Railway Parade WERRIS CREEK 2341, for:
- Extension of Operating Hours (5am-12am (midnight) Mon-Fri, 6am-6pm Sat, 8am-4pm Sun.& public holidays – See pg 11 of the SEE for full details)
- Inclusion of additional land in the development site.
- Installation of Transportable Grain Processing Infrastructure
The exhibition was initially for the period between 10 May and 25 May 2023. The exhibition is extended to 16 June 2023. A copy of the application and accompanying plans will be available for viewing in Council's Administration Building and the Werris Creek Library and on Council’s website
If you wish to advise Council of your views on the proposal, you should prepare a written submission, to be made prior to 5.00pm on Friday 16 June 2023. The views expressed in written submissions will be considered by Council before a determination is made. Any submissions must include disclosure of any reportable political contribution or gift made in the previous two years.
Please note that Submissions are NOT kept confidential. Council releases submissions when a request is made in accordance with privacy laws and the relevant provisions under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. When a submission is released by law, Council routinely withholds contact numbers, email addresses and signatures. Should you wish for all personal details or any information that may identify you to be withheld from the public, please advise Council of this in your submission.
Submission can be sent to the General Manager
- Post: Liverpool Plains Shire Council, PO Box 152, QUIRINDI NSW 2343
- Email:
- Fax: 02 6746 3255
- Further inquiries: Liverpool Plains Shire Council’s, Planning and Regulation Staff are available to be contacted on (02) 6746 1755.
Covering-Document-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Additional-Information-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 150KB)
Statement-of-Environmental-Effects-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Appendix-A-Noise-Impact-Assessment-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 6MB)
(PDF, 6MB)Appendix-B-Traffic-Assessment-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 4MB)
Site-Plan-10.2020.1.2.pdf(PDF, 25KB)
Container-Shelter-10.2020.1.2_1.pdf(PDF, 6MB)