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20 March 2024, 12:00 PM
Liverpool Plains Shire Council is inviting community members to provide feedback on our Draft Inclusion Plan 2024-2026.
The Draft Inclusion Plan looks at ways Council can make it easier for all community members to access our services, facilities and programs and has four main themes.
- Positive Attitudes and Behaviours
- Access to mainstream services
- Liveable Communities
- Meaningful Employment
The Draft Inclusion Plan looks at everything from playgrounds, to parks, to how we communicate and public signs.
If you’d like to comment on the Draft Inclusion Plan, please send us your feedback before 5pm March 19th 2024.
A copy of the Draft Inclusion Plan is attached to this email.
We’re hosting two Community Forums to talk about the Draft Inclusion Plan.
- Tuesday 27th February 6pm at the Community Hub, Quirindi
- Wednesday 28th February 6pm at Werris Creek Library.
Both these venues are accessible.
If you can’t attend these meetings in person, let us know and we’ll send you an invite to join us via Teams.
We know Community Forums aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. If you’d like us to come to you, contact Council on 6746 1755 or and we’ll do our best to come to you.
Copies of the Draft Inclusion Plan are available at Quirindi and Werris Creek Libraries, the Visitor Information Centre at Willow Tree and the Quirindi Administration Building
If you know someone that you think would like to know about our Draft Inclusion Plan, please share this information with them.
DRAFT-Inclusion-Plan-2024-2026-Feb.pdf(PDF, 5MB)