No longer on display. Expired on
28 February 2023, 12:00 AM
Council invites the public to inspect the Draft Plan and supporting document and make submissions up until the 28 February 2023.
Submissions can be lodged in person at the Council chambers, by post or by email, the details of which are contained in the supporting document.
The Draft Plan will replace the existing S7.12 Plan. It will include minor changes to reflect changes in the legislation and provide a revised schedule of works on which contributions monies can be expended.
The Draft Plan will be referred to Council after the exhibition period for adoption either as exhibited or subject to changes resulting from the public submissions.
Draft-Liverpool-Plains-Section-7.12-Contributions-Plan-2022.pdf(PDF, 885KB)
Supporting-Document-for-Draft-S7.12-Contributions-Plan.pdf(PDF, 236KB)