Public Exhibition - QHS Access to Plains Fitness

No longer on display. Expired on 10 January 2024, 11:59 PM

At its December meeting, Council considered the proposed terms and charges of an agreement for Quirindi High School to access the facilities at Plains Fitness in 2024.

The Council approved in-principle the following terms and charges.

  1. Full membership to students aged 16 years and over at $20 per month from the month of joining to December 31st of 2024.
  2. Two weekly structured fitness sessions for six Support Students at $50 per session during school terms in 2024.
  3. Access to Plains Fitness for Physical Education and Sports Sessions at $5 per student during school terms in 2024.

In accordance with Section 610F of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, the in-principle agreement will be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

On the 10th January, (the conclusion of the public exhibition period), any submissions will be reviewed and a report presented at the February Council Meeting.

If there are no submissions regarding the in-principle agreement at the conclusion of the public exhibition period, the in principle agreement will be endorsed and enacted.