Quirindi’s Gurton St Bridge to be replaced

Published on 15 November 2021


Liverpool Plains Shire Council Engineering staff have begun geotechnical investigation works in preparation of the replacement of the Gurton Street low level bridge and Bridge Road bridge.

Gurton Street bridge, which has a weight capacity of two tonnes is the only wet weather access for its residents and those living on Fortune and Crown streets.

The budget for the Gurton Street bridge is $512,000.

LPSC staff said the proposal is to use driven piles and pre-cast concrete components for the replacement bridge, which will provide access without any weight limits.

Council’s engineers are considering several options in the construction process that would provide access availability for the residents who live in the area who could be restricted if the dry weather crossing of the Quirindi Creek is flooded while the new bridge is being built.

Council staff are also undertaking geo-technical work for the replacement of the bridge on Bridge Road, which is estimated to cost $551,750.

Works for both bridges are scheduled to commence in the first six months of 2022.

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