Would you like help to reduce your electricity bills?

Published on 02 June 2022

Save Power Kit

Liverpool Plains Shire Council Library now has Save Power Kits to borrow thanks to a government initiative. The kits can help residents find out which appliances are using the most power in their homes, how they can reduce water use and keep their homes cool in summer and warm in winter.

“The rising cost of power is one of the biggest overheads and concerns for families and buisness owners in these current times.  The Save Power Kits are a tool that can be used to help reduce those costs and lesson our impact on the environment.  I encourage all residents to take the opportunity to access the free kits that are available from the Library,” Mayor Hawkins said.

“The kit provides practical tools and information to help householders conduct a simple home audit and sometimes making small changes to how you heat or cool your home, or how you use your appliances can make a big difference,” he said.

The Save Power Kit contains:

  • Power-Mate Lite – measures the power consumption of appliances, running costs, and carbon dioxide equivalent (greenhouse gas emissions)
  • Infrared thermometer – measures surface temperatures to help figure out where homes let in cold or hot air
  • Thermometer - measures air temperatures around the home and how to keep fridges and freezers at their optimal temperature
  • Light Meter – measures light intensity as activities at home, the office or school have different recommended light levels
  • Stopwatch timer – to help cut down shower times and reduce the amount of hot water used
  • Instructions for all equipment along with simple steps households can take to lower power bills, save money and reduce emissions.

The Kit can be reserved by visiting the Quirindi Library in person or by phoning 02 6746 2350.  Residents will need a current library card to be able to borrow the Kit.

To join the Library you can visit in person, you just need identification showing your address in the Liverpool Plains Shire Council area.  You can also join online at Register | Central Northern Regional Library (nsw.gov.au) and then come and see us with your identification to get your card.


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