Off-leash dog exercise areas
Dogs need regular exercise to maintain good health.
Under the Companion Animals Act 1998, each council must provide at least one off-leash area where dogs can be exercised off-leash during certain hours. Off-leash dog areas in the Liverpool Plains Shire, including exemptions and conditions, are detailed below:
- Currabubula Recreation Grounds, Currabubula: Not within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when area is being used for community activities.
- David Taylor Park, Werris Creek: Northern end area – Not on the sporting field or within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when grounds are being used for sporting or community activities.
- First Fleet Memorial Picnic Area, Wallabadah: Not within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when area is being used for community activities.
- Golland Sporting Fields, Quirindi: Car park and green belt area - not on sporting field or within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when grounds are being used for community activities.
- Premer Sports Grounds, Premer: Not on the sporting field or within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when grounds are being used for sporting or community activities.
- Rose Lee Park, Quirindi: Northern end near creek - not within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when grounds are being used for community activities.
- RSL Park, Quirindi: All of park.
- Willow Tree Recreation Ground, Willow Tree: Not within 10 metres of buildings or play equipment and not when grounds are being used for community activities.