Wildlife and native animals
All native animal species are protected by law in NSW.
The NSW Department of Primary Industries provides a list of native wildlife and protected species. Advice on what can be done in cases where a native animal is causing damage to your property is available from the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.
Liverpool Plains Shire Council does not investigate or collect native animals or wildlife. We encourage you to direct enquiries or concerns regarding native wildlife to the NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc. (WIRES) on 1300 094 737. WIRES has a dedicated Rescue Office which operates 365 days a year assisting the community to help native animals in distress. For further information, visit the WIRES website.
North West Local Land Services (LLS) can provide advice and assistance in the eradicating of declared pest species including wild dogs, rabbits and European Red foxes. LLS also develops and implements initiatives to manage pests.