Pet registration

Council commenced a contract with J R Richards and Sons to provide a roadside collection of waste and recycling in October 2009. Roadside collection is available within the town areas of Blackville, Borambil, Braefield, Caroona, Currabubula, Pine Ridge, Premer, Quirindi, Spring Ridge, Wallabadah, Werris Creek, Warrah and Willow Tree. Garbage is collected weekly and recycling is collected fortnightly.

The Waste and Recycling Information brochure details what to put in your bin, when to put your bins out and includes a calendar to assist in remembering which fortnight the recycling collection will occur in your area.


Apply Online

Step 1.Step 1

 prepare documentation

Step 2. Step 2

Apply using this online form

Go to the form

In Person

By Email

  • Household Garbage
  • Plastic Bags
  • Food Scraps
  • Nappies (wrapped)
  • Broken Window Glass (wrapped)
  • Tableware and Ceramics